October 18, 2024

Easy on the Eyes: A Khaki and Gold Gateway into Brighter Eye colors

If you’re not ready to dive headfirst into plummy pools of mulberry white wine on your eyes, no worries, boo-boo. It can some time to get accustomed to wearing bolder colors like purple.

What’s say we dip our toes into the deep end with something a little less daring, like this uncomplicated eye look guest starring khaki and gold?


Khakis are great gateway shades to ease the transition from neutrals to a lot more colorful shadows.

In this look we’re about to do today (you’re ready, aren’t you?), you get a pinch of green — just enough to capture an onlooker’s attention. Don’t worry. We’re not talkin’ about a flashy disco shade like a kelly green or opulent emerald.

And with khakis, if you ever feel like you’ve gone overboard with color, you can always mix them with golds, bronzes and browns to tone them down, which is what we’re going to do now.


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42 ដុល្លារ


Okay now where the heck did I put my gold eyeliner…?

Aha! នៅទីនោះវាគឺជា។ I’ll be using MAC Powerpoint Eye Pencil in Handforged, as well as a light khaki eyeshadow, a darker khaki eyeshadow and a black eyeliner.

Today, I thought I’d draw from Dior’s All-In-One palette in Khaki design ($59), which is new for fall, for the shadows and liner.

Now, it always pays to have the ideal tools for the job, and in this case I’ll be using a domed blending brush (the MAC 217), a tapered blending brush (the MAC 224), a flat eye shadow brush (the MAC 239) and an angled eye brush (the legendary MAC 266).

If you don’t have these exact same colors, shh…don’t tell anyone, but it doesn’t really matter. use something similar from your makeup bag, or heck, something different if you aren’t a big fan of khaki and bronze.


Apply a gold base on your lids

Guess what we’re going to do first? Here’s a hint: it has to make with oil.

If you have incredibly oily lids, you might want to start with an eyeshadow primer, which must help keep our products in place. If not, then…


…right into applying the gold eyeliner all over your lids and just barely into the crease.

Here I’m using MAC Handforged from the hi Sailor collection, and I’m not going to worry too much — scratch that, I’m not going to worry in any way about being too neat on this step considering that we’ll be running a brush over it anyway.

Now, get hold of your domed blending brush (I recommend the MAC 217), and buff out the liner by running it over the entire lid.

The gold liner will serve as a base for the khaki shadows and begin to create the rough shape of our look.

Layer the lighter khaki shade on top

For our lids, we want the shadows to slowly transition from light to dark as they step from in to out (that is, from the side closer to your nose to the side closer your ear), so here’s where we start our gradient.

Load the same domed blending brush you used earlier with your lighter khaki color, and apply along your lash lines, lids and just barely into the crease.

Aim a little a lot more eyeshadow on the outer corner, which is the side closest to your ear, so that it’s darker on that outer end.

Grab a tapered blending brush (MAC 224) to smooth out all the edges.

You know…while we’re here, let’s do a little something to spice up our lower lash lines. Take a flat eyeshadow brush like the MAC 239, and run the light khaki shade along them.

Pat the darker khaki along the outer half of the lash line

I hope you held on to that flat eyeshadow brush, because we’re going to need it to crank up the the contrast of that gradient on our lids. just swipe it across the pan of your darker khaki shadow, and pat the shadow on the outer half of your lash line to give the look a lot more depth.

Next, get hold of your tapered blending brush again (I’m using the MAC 224), and run it along the edges to blend everything together.

Line your eyes with a black liner

I think we can turn up the dial a dash here, so let’s deepen that outer end of our gradient with some black eyeliner…

I’m using the cream liner in the Dior Khaki design Palette, but any liner that smudges easily, like a pencil or gel, must work just fine, too.

Using an angled brush like the mighty MAC 266, run the liner along the outer half of the lash line, keeping it thin and close to the roots (don’t fret if it looks a little messy).

Feather out the edge with your flat eye shadow brush (I’m using the MAC 239) so that it moves effortlessly into the rest of the darker portion of your gradient.

The finished look!

A couple layers of mascara along the upper and lower lashes, and we’re done! Et Voilà!

This might be a fun look to wear with a bolder lipstick, like maybe one of the new opaque Rouge Lipsticks from Hourglass, or maybe with matching ideas and lips.


So what do ya think? I hope you decide to give this a try.

Your friendlyអ្នកញៀនអ្នកបង្កើតស្វយ័តអ្នកជិតខាង,


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ប៊ឺឡុងអ្នកធានាទុកចិត្ត: ក្រចក

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