February 22, 2025

According to Sophisti-Cat Cosmetics, Meow Is a Purrfect Time for Cat-Inspired makeup

wearing Sophisti-Cat Cosmetics liquid blush in Burlesque on my cheeks and liquid Lips in Celebrate

Here, kitty. Come here, cat lady. Here, kitty-kitty-kitty. It’s time for treats!


Makeup treats.

I kid you not, I came this close to flopping on my back and showing my tum, tabby-style, when I heard about Sophisti-Cat Cosmetics.

It’s a new indie makeup line of products inspired by two of my favorite things: makeup and cats. and their motto? “…makeup should make you look as flawless as a feline.”


ឆ្មានិងគ្រឿងតុបតែងមុខរបស់ឆ្មា ??

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A sentiment with which Tabs wholeheartedly agrees…

The line features a husky selection of reasonably-priced products from powder eyeshadows to liners, powder and liquid blushes, loose pigments, a liquid cake eyeliner sealant, an eye and lip primer and lipsticks. pieces range from $8-16 each, are made in the us and weren’t tested on animals.

Tabs wouldn’t stop making biscuits on my bare thighs this afternoon until I gave in to his demands to see pics and swatches.

Super Silky and bold effect shadows ($12 each)

Super Silky shadow in Deception

Bold effect shadow in alter Ego

Super Silky shadow in Stealth

Liquid Lips ($13 each)

From the left: Celebrate, XOXO and Cha Cha Cha

Liquid blush ($16 each), Pearl Lipstick ($12) and Creme Lipstick ($14)

From the left: liquid blush in Burlesque, liquid blush in Unrestricted,Liquid blush in Unrestricted, and Creme Lipstick in Flirtini

From the left: Pigment sample, CATEYE liquid eyeliner ($14) and Cake eyeliner Sealant ($10)

Swatches from the left: CATEYE liquid Eyeliner, super Silky shadow in Deception, super Silky shadow in Stealth, bold effect shadow in alter Ego, liquid blush in Burlesque, liquid blush in Unrestricted, liquid blush in Unrestricted, Creme Lipstick in Flirtini, liquid Lips in XOXO, liquid Lips in celebrate and liquid Lips in Cha Cha Cha

Liquid blush in Burlesque on my cheeks and liquid Lips in Cha Cha Cha

I haven’t spent much time with the products yet, but here’s to hoping they’re purr-worthy. For now, I can say that I’m very excited about the liquid Lips Lipsticks and the bold effect and super Silky Shadows. I literally went, “Oooh!” out loud while swatching. They’re super pigmented and look like they should be a lot fun.

From cats to cat eyes…

Yes, please! — you may get Haute & Naughty with me. As in MAC Haute & Naughty too Black Lash mascara ($20), which I’m testing today…but I keep getting distracted by the eye makeup pics on the press release.

Okay, yeah, those lashes look pretty cool, but the brows, liner and eye shadow?? DOPE!

I love how the liner breaks in the middle of the lower lash line in the top pic.


Oh, and see how the wings on the bottom eye have brown blended in with the black? អស្ចារ្យ​ណាស់!



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