February 22, 2025

MAC Unsung Heroes: Kohl Power Pencil liner in Feline

wearing MAC Kohl Power in Feline with MAC Eyeshadow in Soba on my eyes

Felines — they’re feisty, they’re fun, and they make a imply smudgy eyeliner.


Er…come again?

You heard me. say meow to MAC Kohl Power in Feline ($15), a blacker-than-black eyeliner, and no, I don’t purr over it just because it’s catty, although that aspect of it certainly doesn’t hurt.

Yes, it’s true that I get a cat lady thrill each time I put my paws on this creamy, pitch-black pencil, which works out to about every other day, but part of that’s because I think it’s fantastic for drawing soft, smudgy lines.


ឆ្មានិងគ្រឿងតុបតែងមុខរបស់ឆ្មា ??

42 ដុល្លារ


Its claim to fame? color — or rather, the absence of it. like the blackest of nights, Feline is very dark. Shoot, it practically makes MAC Smolder Eye Kohl look bright!

Feline is part of MAC’s permanent collection now, but when it was a limited edition product, it was like a rare breed of cat, and the fact that it wasn’t available everywhere, all the time, elevated it, at least in my home, to cult status.

Each time it made an appearance in a limited edition collection (remember it from D Squared?), I’d be like, “I gotta go to the mall! add to my Feline stockpile!” — words that set off panic in poor El Hub each time he hears them.

Perhaps rightly so, he fears that my feline affliction will someday spiral out of control. I’ll start wearing my bathrobe 24/7 and won’t be able to leave the house for worry of my 10 cats getting into trouble. truth be told, he is a wise man to plan for such a scenario.

There are numerous great black liners to choose from in MAC’s permanent collection, and each is special in its own way.

Like Graphblack, which excels at drawing precise, skinny lines; Blacktrack, which makes quick work of crisp cat lines and sails through tight lining water lines; and Smolder, which loves being layered and smudged below eyeshadows.

Feline’s fame rests on its absence of color. It lacks the blue, purple or green undertones that we often see, making it darker, richer and moodier than its MAC counterparts…kinda like the Dark Knight of MAC black liners.

It’s easy to lose oneself in these deep, rich Feline eyes. wearing Feline, brown eyes appear browner, green eyes greener; it really seems to emphasize the natural color of your eyes.

Feline is also categorically creamy, creamier than Smolder, even, and that soft texture allows it to create softly blurred smudgy lines.

I use it all the time for undone liner looks, like smokey looks and soft cat eyes.

Often I’ll smudge and layer it below a neutral eyeshadow. It’s one of my favorite things to wear with Soba or Woodwinked for quick daytime smokey eyes.

I think it’s also great for creating soft cat eyes. For those, I apply Feline first along my lash lines, blend the edges out with a MAC 239 Eye Shader brush (to get that soft, blurred edge), and use Blacktrack applied with a MAC 266 small Angle brush to actually create the cat eye look.

Because it is so creamy, Feline can give guys/gals with oily skin trouble in some cases by migrating and smearing. If that happens for you, you might try setting it with a black eyeshadow like MAC Carbon, which I’ll do on both my lash and water lines. It really helps to lock Feline in place.


ម៉ែ​វ! I think this Feline’s the cat’s meow for soft and blurry blended lines.



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